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[Refund Request] Trapped_Soul


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Your Name: Trapped_Soul
Item Name + Amount: 

Masterfull Golem Helmet: adv prot 4, unbreaking 3, Adv mending, adv thorns 3
Masterfull Red Tide guardian CHestplate: adv prot 4, unbreaking 3, adv mending, strengthened vitality V, adv thorns 3
Masterfull Golem Leggings: adv prot 4, unbreaking 3, agility 2, adv mending, adv thorns 3
Masterfull Golem Boots: depth strider 3, upgraded potentials, unbreaking 3, adv mending, adv feather falling 4, adv thorns 3, adv prot 4, high jump 2, light weight 3
Legendary Iced Dragonbone Halberd: Supreme sharp 5, Arc slash 3, Penetration 5, curse of possession, upgraded potentials, adv looting 3, subject P.E. 5, adv mending, education 3, lifesteal 4, Mortalitas 7, Swifter slashes 5, piercing capabilities 4, true strike, atomic deconstructor 2
Legendary iced Dragonbone bow: Adv Power 5, adv mending, unbreaking 3, upgraded potentials, arrow piercing 4, strafe 5, arrow recovery 3, range
Legendary Dragon Bone Pickaxe: adv effiency 5, Unbreaking 3, Fortune 3, mending, smelter
Legendary Dragon Bone Axe: adv effiency 4, unbreaking 3, mending
Legendary Dragon Bone Shovel: adv effiency 5, unbreaking 3, adv mending, fortune 3
Hearty/Undying Stone of the Sea
Hearty/Undying ring of regenaration
Hearty/Undying Stone of Greater Interia
Hearty/Undying Dragons Eye
Hearty/Undying Ankh Charm
Hearty/Undying Shield of Honor
Hearty/Undying fairy ring
Hearty/Undying Ballon
Undying Totem of Undying
UNBREAKABLE(screenshot) Legendary diamond pickaxe: fortune 3, effiency 5, smelting
UNBREAKABLE(screenshot) Legendary diamond pickaxe: fortune 3, effiency 5, versality, Tunneling 2, Smelting
37 Notch Apples
45 Gold Apples
water bucket
blue shulker chest (named "Watter") full of purified water bottles
red shulker chest (named "More Watter") full of purified water bottles
6 diamond soul keys
2 stacks obsidian
49 cooked potatos

Coordinates: near 8897 (18) 8766

Description of Issue: died a few days ago to broder when it got replaced
Screenshots (Optional): cant upload the screenshots… if you Need a proof that the Diamond pickaxes were Unbreakable or anything else.. message me on discord


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