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[Inventory Rollback Request] googoobot21


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Your Name:googoobot21
Server Name (AC, PureSurvival, etc.): rlcraft
Inventory Rollback or Claim Rollback: inventory rollback
Coordiantes: x:1287 z: 5139
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): none
Description of Issue: so i had just logged on to rlcraft to see my stuff from my last refund request and had found out that the server was lagging hard i could barley move or break blocks. i did /home and took out my skulker box to put items in but after i broke the skulker box and crouched it didn't appear. i tried logging back in right clicking the ground everything but it was nowhere to be found. im so annoyed since ive made like 3 complaints on this same issue because our server has been lagging so bad and someone is doing it on purpose but nothing has been dont to fix the issue.
Screenshots (Optional): 


Server manager will attend to the inventory rollback as soon as possible. In the meantime, I’d like to ask you how much allocated RAM do you have for RLCraft and are you using an old machine?


bruh my dragon also just went poof.

so i was playing on the same server and riding my dragon when it lagged and i just stopped in midair after the game started again. he just diapered, i tried the dragon flute, rejoined, checked the horn too. but he wasnt there. u guys have to do something about this lag man.

  • PapaMaoDONG changed the title to [Inventory Rollback Request] googoobot21

Sometimes Dragons From Ice And Fire Die when going to fast, and Lycanite Flying mounts dissapear when flying to fast, and they die.

But yeah, id consider that a glitch as that is not supposed to happen in RL Craft.

And i'm not a 100% sure about this but I think they die because of loading in chunks to quickly, you gotta fly slowly.


  • Ness27 locked this topic


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