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[Inventory Rollback Request] cvance2387


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Your Name: cvance2387
Coordinates: /
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 8/23/2020 12pm EDT
Description of Issue: I was using schematica to print a structure in creative when it tried to spawn in an item that doesn't exist and now my game crashes whenever I log in. Kaszanka_1234 was able to remove the items in the chunk it was trying to load and told me to do an inventory rollback request since that's the only way to fix it while i'm offline. I'm copying and pasting his response to my other thread here and attaching my crash report. not sure what my coords were but hopefully it's in the crash report.

"Kaszanka_1234: It was due to corrupted blocks in your area, they were removed. However trying to open your inventory results in similar crash with following details:

-- Item being rendered --
	Item Type: advsolar.common.items.ItemAdvSolarPanel@25a6159f
	Item Aux: 5
	Item NBT: {display:{Lore:[0:"§fSpawned in by: §5cvance2387"]},id:228s,Count:1b,Damage:5s}
	Item Foil: false

it points at an item with id 228:5 that you tried to spawn, but such item does not exist. 228 is advanced solar panel, 228:3 is quantum solar panel and 228:4 is uncraftable quantum generator.
You will have to ask for inventory rollback as there is no other way to remove the corrupted items from your inventory while you are offline."

Screenshots (Optional): /



Checking again on this, it's been a week now and still haven't heard anything. I can't log in until this is done, it crashes when I try. Please help :) 


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