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[Refund Request] Z9_Pancake


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In-Game Name: Z9_Pancake
Server (AC, PureSurvival, etc.): McEternal

Item name + Item ID (Item ID optional, but very helpful!): Stage 5 Ice dragon, Creative Jetpack and A master wand(with fireball, great fireball, arc, summon zombie and invoke weather spells.)
Time & Date (Time and Date when you lost the item/s): Around 10:50 to 11:10
Description of Issue (how you lost the items): The game glitched and when I picked up my dragon with my horn and then I rtp'd and did /home but then when I tried to spawn my dragon it wasn't spawning so I checked the horn but there was nothing in it. For the wand and the creative jetpack. I was wandering around but then got struck by Barako the Sun Chief and I lost the Wand and so I bought a Creative Jetpack for 3000$ and tried to find my wand It was gone so I tried to find it but then Barako killed me in the air so I couldn't /back there so I walked By the time I reached there everything had already despawned.

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