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[Unban] [IgorPotatoes]


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[1] In-Game Username:


[2] Details of Situation:

I was peacefully playing on omnifactory, but then the admin teleported and said to change my skin or I will get banned.
I have a christmass hitler skin, and asked if there is anything about skins in the rules, for that he replied "did you even read the rules?"
I looked again, didn't find anything about skins nor the hitler/swastika, but he still kept asking to change the skin. I refused, in the end he banned me for rule #13 for 16 days
(but also said I won't be unbanned until I change my skin), and even said that he could ban me permanently if he could. Considering that rule #13 says that 1st offence equals 1 hour of mute, I would consider that as a abuse of authority.
I very much beleive that nor swastika nor hitler is racism. I have also been playing with this skin for more than 2 years without any problems, and even in several months of playing on yours "Dungeons, Dragons and Space Shuttles" server no one ever said aniything.
After ban, I asked him (through a friend I've been playing with) how is hitler skin considered rasism, for that he just kept talking about "common sense" without any facts or explanation.

[3] Ban Category:

[13] No Racist Slurs/Text/content

[4] Ban Duration:

16 days

[5] Staff Member:


[6] ScreenShots:


[7] Your Reason:

Inappropriate Skin


Rules asides, are you seriously saying that the svastika you have on your skin and the skin itself representing Hitler don't represent racism or nothing harmful ? For real ?
Let me give you a quick insight :

This is the svastika on a Buddha. 
In Buddhism the svastika symbolize the auspicious footprints of the Buddha.

This is Hitler's svastika. It's absolutely not the same and it's turned differently.


Another quick insight of what this represent :

- 3 million jewish people killed in death camps

- 200 000 disabled killed

- 3 million soldiers killed in prisonners camps
- Total more than 15 million people died


Accept your ban and change your skin.


War is NOT a joke.


...and you just posted two swastikas. Does that mean you should be banned? Does that swastika images means you saying that war is a joke? Hello??

22 minutes ago, BloodSkals said:

Rules asides, are you seriously saying that the svatiska you have on your skin and the skin itself representing Hitler don't represent racism or nothing harmful ? For real ?
Let me give you a quick insight :

This is the svatiska on a Buddha. 
In Buddhism the svatiska symbolize the auspicious footprints of the Buddha.

This is Hitler's svatiska. It's absolutely not the same and it's turned differently.


Another quick insight of what this represent :

- 3 million jewish people killed in death camps

- 200 000 disabled killed

- 3 million soldiers killed in prisonners camps
- Total more than 15 million people died


Accept your ban and change your skin.


War is NOT a joke.


1 hour ago, i3ym said:

...and you just posted two swastikas. Does that mean you should be banned? Does that swastika images means you saying that war is a joke? Hello??

There is a difference between using a svastika into an explanation and purposely showing off a svastika and a Hitler skin bragging about it being harmless, I don't think you get it either.

9 hours ago, BloodSkals said:

There is a difference between using a svastika into an explanation and purposely showing off a svastika and a Hitler skin bragging about it being harmless, I don't think you get it either.

> you don't unserstand this is different!!11! am a good guy here and fighting againts racism and war11!1!!and you are bad because 4x4 pixels kid block game image


Your skin definitely is racist and offensive. I don't see why you would even want to portray yourself in such a way. Since you seem to have read the rules and found a loophole, I think this is appropriate.

Ban reason changed: "Rule 20 - Racist Skin, let us know when you changed your skin to something more appropriate".


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