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[Rollback Request] Cvance2387


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Your Name: cvance2387
Coordinates: x2392 z-2686
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/timezone/date when everything was fine): 12/25/2020 1AM EST
Description of Issue: so I dunno how but someone blew up a part of a friends subdivision in my town claim.  Also now there's a weird land claim from Vampy1001 that is inside my claim. I'm not sure how this got here, I also can't figure out how the land was claimed as it doesn't look like it was claimed with a golden shovel. When I enter and leave my claim the greeting and farewell message have the [GP] prefix, presumably for the grief protection but this greeting and farewell message doesn't have that. Also there's this weird hidey hole in my friends subdivision before that I suspect belongs to Vampy but when i do /claiminfo it shows my claim, same when i stand on the block where I see the greeting message for vampy's "claim". I know I need at least a rollback for the part that was blown up but could someone help me figure out the rest? 
Screenshots (Optional): 



Since it seems the griefer needs to be close to the claim border to grief (and why only that house next to the border was affected) I think I've found the method used and the item is now restricted. But keep an eye open just in case, I don't know yet what the random claim is about and how it was used to grief.


so I noticed when I was checking over my town claim after the rollback that there's one point in my claim that has also been exploded. Was this area rolled back as well? If not could you try and roll that back to the same date? The coords are x2752 z-2315. Thanks!


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