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[Claim Rollback Request] I_AM_DEAN_WILSON


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Your Name:  Dean Wilson (I_AM_DEAN_WILSON)
Coordinates: -3115 / 64 / -1367
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine) : 28 Dec 2021 - 10:00am (central time US)
Description of Issue: (Continuum Server) I placed an industrial apiary containing a "business bee", sometime around 10:30-11:00am  (central time US) and the server instantly crashed the moment I placed the apiary. Then, for a few minutes, any time I tried to log in, it would immediately crash. Finally, after some time passed, I was able to log in, but my base had been completely reverted back to before I ever built anything (which had been weeks ago) - was totaled four chunks, and all four chunks were reverted back to before I ever arrived or built anything at all.
Screenshots (Optional): none


Also, thought I'd add this, in case it helps - the four chunk locations for my claim / base are:
-195 / -85
-195 /  -86
-196 /  -85
-196 / -86

All four chunks were reverted back to the raw landscape before I ever built anything at all, from weeks ago.

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