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Inventory Rollback Request


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masterful diamond halberd, Iron boomerang, iron axe, diamond pickaxe with unb 1, 16 burgers, dragon canteen, savage summoning staff, ender staff, full xp tome, 5 diamond lockpicks, enchanted medkit, ring of enchanted eyes, undying sea stone, undying ring of regen, poison stone, a stack of torches, springy vitamin, masterful golem leggings, masterful golem boots, normal golem chestplate, masterful golem helm with upgraded potentials, curse of possesion, adv mending, adv prot 4, unbreaking 3, aqua affinity and phantom lining i bought.

461 72 3171

I smacked into a tree using an ender staff and "experienced kinetic energy" then the second i died item clear took my stuff

  • 1 month later...



As this request was made a while ago, do you still need this rollback? If so please could you reply back with the last date that everything was fine

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