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Your Name: T0staMista
Coordinates: -1875, 48, 2549
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): Aug 26, 2022, around 2:50 PM
Description of Issue: Die to a zombie while i was afk, all my stuff despawn
Screenshots (Optional): N/A


Your Name: T0staMista
Coordinates: -1875, 48, 2549
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): Aug 26, 2022, around 2:50 PM
Description of Issue: Die to a zombie while i was afk, all my stuff despawn
Screenshots (Optional): N/A

  • T0staMista changed the title to [Inventory Rollback Request] i was afk and die, all my stuff despawn

Follow the template. I cant make out if this is a refund request or inventory rollback request. Neither did you specify what items you lost so I'm assuming the latter? This is also posted under Tekkit and not Ultimate Reloaded.


Your Name: T0staMista
Coordinates: -1875, 48, 2549
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): Aug 26, 2022, around 2:50 PM
Description of Issue: Die to a zombie while i was afk, all my stuff despawn, didnt have must, few cables
Screenshots (Optional): N/A

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