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Hello, I have purchased a rank and it's not showing up on my Skyfactory 4. I purchased this rank a long time ago but it is no longer showing up and i need to have it applied to my username.

My Gamertag: Houston_Ratledge

I would also like to go ahead and request my commands that I may have lost due to the deactivation:

Account Name: Houston_Ratledge

Rank: Sponsor+

Requested Commands^: WorldEdit
Reason for Request*: Terraforming/Copy and Paste/There are so many cool things you can build with WE

Requested Commands^: essentials.tp node
Reason for Request*: I would like to be able to TP to others

Requested Commands^: /give and JEI cheat mode access
Reason for Request*: Using JEI to get items is so much easier than going into creative mode just to get one item

Requested Commands^: /time set day/night...
Reason for Request*:  it's to skip the blood moon, because sometimes the blood moon will hurt the performance of the server and wreak havoc on my pc

Requested Commands^: /god
Reason for Request*:  To be able to be in survival mode and not worry about dying


Cannot approve or add commands, though I do I will warn you that TP is staff only, aswell as /give. JEI Cheat Access is enabled via gmc, which you have access to from your already included perks.

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