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Everything posted by Dantecitoh

  1. the server is dead, no one cares lol
  2. kien so vo¿
  3. Dantecitoh


  4. Account Name: FearThisGoD Rank: Sponsor+ Requested Commands: /afk, /skull, /time set, /speed, /weather, /hat, /tpa without cooldown and /workbench bc for some reason I can't craft anything (AssassinsCraft) Reason for Request: just for fun
  5. Bumpiti bump
  6. Ness can check buycraft, thats enough
  7. I would like to exchange my prefixes to a fancy animated tag. Back in 2018 I had 2 prefixes, the first one was dark purple and the second was light gray.
  8. Since the /enchant command was removed from Sponsor, I'd like to ask if I can ask for my commands back. I must add that I have never abused the commands I have requested.
  9. IGN: Kranvagn Rank: Sponsor Minigames: CTW, TnT Run & Skywars. Screenshots: CTW-> http://prntscr.com/kzwloo http://prntscr.com/kzwote. TnT Run-> http://prntscr.com/kzwpqh http://prntscr.com/kzwq19. Skywars-> http://prntscr.com/kzwp3g.
  10. http://prntscr.com/kwr4kb. http://prntscr.com/kwr5d7; https://es.namemc.com/profile/Heqt.7.
  11. K ac ust chusmeando aki :v

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