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  1. Your Name: EnergyTR Coordinates: spawn Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): GMT+3 12:00 26.05.2023 Description of Issue: i go to the spawn and server restart and my Enhanced Charm of Dislocation and all items drop (spave and items drops) but i wanna need charms cordinates for quarry and more cordinates.. i need inv roolback. Thx. Screenshots (Optional):
  2. Your Name: EnergyTR Item Name + Amount: Pseujdo-Inversion Sigil 5805 (STABLE) Coordinates: Description of Issue: mobs not coming i try it but ritual failed...
  3. Your Name:EnergyTR Town Name:Neverland and EnergyTR_center Coordinates: x:-8488 z:-6418 y: 64 and (x:312 z:-473 y:87) Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 14.05.2023 01:00 Description of Issue: my town damaged.. Screenshots (Optional):
  4. Your Name:EnergyTR Town Name:Neverland Coordinates: x:-8488 y:-6418 y: 64 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 02.05.2023 20:00 Description of Issue: my town damaged.. Screenshots (Optional):
  5. Your Name: EnergyTR Item Name + Amount: certus quartz wrench 4332 Coordinates: x:-8488 z:-6419 y:64 Description of Issue: i using arcena crafting terminal and item deleted. İ forget this bug...
  6. Your Name: EnergyTR Item Name + Amount: 1 liquid uu-matter dimlet 7004:546 Coordinates: spawn Description of Issue: i put in market and later bugged and losing Screenshots (Optional
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