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Everything posted by Voodoo

  1. Granted. But your body cant handle it and you die of fatal whiplash. I wish i could see in the dark.
  2. Granted but you're a lowly foot soldier for Hydra and will probably die soon. I wish i didn't have to eat or sleep!
  3. Granted, but it only goes forward in time, not back. I wish i could fly.
  4. Granted, but it's a 12" Diamond studded TV which costs 4k. (and it's only HD 1080p) I wish i lived in a castle.
    1. Voodoo


      hmm, should have saved the file name as something other than a button bash. >.>

      Happy birthday anyway man


    2. Skilande_


      Thanks, mate!

  5. Will look into these
  6. Got any better ones? Those are all a bit tame for us mental damage has been long inflicted
  7. I am legend is not a horror movie xD could watch the tooth fairy, don't think i've seen that one yet.
  8. Hi all Please list some of the most terrifying movies you've ever seen please.
  9. So shoot me..
  10. Ill have agree with you there. Though i do love heroes of our time.
  11. This isn't music, this is just noise.. not even good noise!!! I think you'll find that this! this is the shit.
  12. Happy Birthday to you!

  13. Happy Birthday! :)

  14. I love this song, i could fall asleep to these guys :3
  15. If I post here, who sees it??

    show of hands.

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