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Everything posted by Voodoo

  1. sorry. Only Brunyman can grant this wish.... :/ Theres only one person who can continue this thread...
  2. Granted but only the crap movies come out really fast, and flood the cinemas so that the good ones never hit them. I wish i was a woman, with a cute little behind xD
  3. Granted but your its only your skin that comes invisible. All your internal organs and bones are still visible. I wish i could slow down time and speed it up at will
  4. Granted, but the company who you sign a 20 year contract with is a really bad, and not very well known company, and all your talent goes to waste. I wish i never had to pay for anything, and everything was free for me.
  5. Granted, but one day, he slipped on a knife and died. And there was never another man or woman such as he! I wish i had super intelligence exactly like rick, from rick and morty, with no downsides, and i can't die from anything accidental.
  6. Granted, but the chemicals used to make sure that the water is always the perfect temperature, are extremely corrosive to the skin. I wish i could stop and start time, for as long as i choose, without any complications or unexpected disadvantages.
  7. Granted. But its pizza made with poo in the dough. A poo pizza.. and you can have as much as you want.and regular pizzas cost 10x as much I wish i could have a big . blue . smurf statue
  8. Granted. Congratulations you just won the gold medal in wheelchair fencing! But you suffered an injury during the match. Which got infected. And now you have no arms or legs. I wish it were dark all the time. And everything could carry on the way it does. Using lunar power instead of solar.
  9. Granted. I wish i had a good weapon for the zombie appocolypse.
  10. Granted but youre only free from tiredness of the mind. But your body gets so tired it shuts down and you die. I wish i donated my wish to the homeless
  11. Granted. But instead of burning. It freezes your throat and you die. I wish iphones were illegal and everyone had to have a samsung phone.
  12. Granted. But you get stuck in a cage with a rather vicious colony of fire ants and you die a slow and painful death. I wish i didnt have to work for money
  13. Served by a monkey butler names jeffrey
  14. Granted. But youre imune system was really bad to begin with and this wish only made it slightly better. So you caught a flu and died from it. I wish for a nice hot cup of tea.
  15. Granted. But you dont have any arms. Legs. Cant talk and youre deaf.. so you cant actually make what you know. I wish i had xray vision on demand. Could turn it on and off at will. And it didnt alter me. Or anyone or anything else. Amd i could still see normally whenever i wanted..
  16. Granted! But everytime you do.. someone somewhere dies a horrible death. And you hear the screams every time you do it. I hope its worth it. I wish for a bit of sushi.
  17. Granted. But you forget everything that happened to you after the age of 5. I wish i could have the smell of buttered toast on demand.
  18. Granted. But the days are the same speed as real minecraft and the portal into the dimension is guarded by hundreds of supercharged creepers. I wish i could teleport anywhere anytime without any repurcussions or complications.
  19. Granted. But the food it produces looks appealing. But inside is tasteless grey mush. I wish mcdonalds was free.
  20. granted, but you survive and are unable to die, so you are stuck floating around in space until the end of time. I wish i was a robot
  21. Granted, but only a you and 1 other person were able to make the transition before the earth exploded. Good luck. I wish i were able to learn things like in the matrix, by plugging in a computer program and downloading the knowledge.
  22. Granted. But every day you go back in time makes you a day older. I wish i knew all the secrets of the universe.
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