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Everything posted by Lunartico

  1. In-Game Name: Lunartico Server: Pure Survival Item name + Item ID: Villagers (minecraft:villager_spawn_egg) 34 in total (34k) ; minecraft:golden_apple (1 stack and 20 in total) as I used all of them to zombificate the villagers Time & Date: Around 10PM EST, 22 n 23 of November Description of Issue: My villagers dissapeared because of the restart issue
  2. LITV maybe? But would really like to have Farming Valley but it is out of date, as it's in 1.10 so..
  3. The difference between 1.16 and 1.8 even without mentioning the pvp system is very notable. It doesn't affect only the pvp system, it also affects the fps, the chunks, the shifting, etc. And I'm pretty sure they meant ''reactivating'' by 'reviving' it or ''make it have at least players' again.
  4. This is a good idea. To bring more players back to the community and specially at ctw they should at least make the mode compatible to 1.8 as it had more active people in there.
  5. Your Name: LunarticoServer Name (AC, PureSurvival, etc.): Network in generalInventory Rollback or Claim Rollback: 9 stacks of vote keysTime/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 2 days agoDescription of Issue: I had all my keys in my key crate 2 days ago, but at the next day I noticed I didn't have any of the keys I had previouslyScreenshots (Optional): https://imgur.com/a/6cULIO8
  6. i'm having an issue in glaskerville which consists in trying to buy the Channeling book (or named in glasker, 'Channelning') and wouldn't give me the book but take my tokens off my inventory
  7. [1] In-Game Username: Cl0ak and Raizeyy [2] Details of Situation: Banned for supposedly duppeds [3] Ban Category: Dupped items [4] Ban Duration: 3d [5] Staff Member: CriticLC_ [6] ScreenShots: Don't have ss so here's the link https://www.craftersland.net/networkbans/info.php?type=ban&id=16573 [7] Your Reason: I really don't know what's the real reason here, like, for what I had been banned? Because if it's for the gold I have been farming gold since quarantine, played like 8-10h a day in AC and also I've gotten more money from people that used to play there but left because of job and that, also adding that it seems to look so much and have so much free time to obtain the gold as it's all stacked and I have full inventory because of it, but it's only like 8m in $, and when I had that gold in my inventory it was because I was exchanging my gold to $ and saving it. And if it's for the chest, I obtained it by just killing a llama with it, like I used to collect rare items like saddles, papers, bamboos, shells, disks and others just for fun. Like that could count as a dupped item?
  8. Network Server (AC, Pure, CTW, etc.) : PS In-Game Nickname : Frybie Nickname of the one you are complaining about : Unknown world editer Description of the situation : Someone with world edit griefed my base that was protected, adding that they only eliminated one level of blocks on my house Screenshots/Video Proof (Required) : https://imgur.com/a/Lc8VwCs
  9. I have an issue. When selling enchanted books at the market shop instead of giving me the transaction log (or writable book) in some slots gave me op things instead of the books; like 3 OP bows, arrows and 1 op diamond boots. I also had the issue that when selling an op bow it gave me a transaction which wasn't mine, saying I sold elytras for 100k. Other than that, when my bow got purchased, it said I sold it for 10k and ALSO that it only gave me ONLY 1k of it, when I was selling the bow for 70k. I don't have proof of owning the bow I sold, but if possible, would want a rollback. https://imgur.com/a/EswsHVA Greetings
  10. I just saw your account connected like 1h ago at hippo, u still without any help? BUMP
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