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Everything posted by xByrad

  1. xByrad


    It was fun while it lasted https://imgur.com/a/fMrTPhR
  2. I don’t think that’s even possible my guy. Good try tho
  3. xByrad


    So I don't know what happened with this player, maybe he drunk a god potion or maybe it's just a bug I'm not sure but if its a bug you need to fixed it so the players can't abuse from it Here's a video
  4. Hi, I just wanna say that first of all this player was killing innocent people many times, he was killing people that were starting in the pure survival so I get mad because this player doesn't want to return their 20 emerald that the server gives you at the begining so I kill him, another thing is that I wasn't in gm1, he's just saying that because he got mad becasue I kill him, also he thinks that he can kill everyone but if someones kill him he starts crying and he report you. Hope you can see I wasn't in gm1, btw he doesn't even have proofs
  5. Hi y'all, I like so much this ideas I think the server need this, the economy right now in the pure survival it's actually dead, as a player of pure survival I would like to see this changes in the server. The suggestions: Honestly I don't agree to remove the gm1 for the ranks Premium+, sponsor and sponsor+, just imagine this, the people who boguht any of this ranks I'm very sure that the main reason why they bought it its to have gm1, if they remove gm1 the ranks wouln't have any advantages so the people who has any of this ranks would be mad at the point that they remove some of the benefits that they have, if someones uses the gm1 for duplicate or something that's why the mods are in the server, to help so if the mods make a good job, there would not be a problem to keep the gm1 Hope they keep the advantages of the people that spend money in this server<3
  6. I agree to remove the world edit because in the map the players are abusing with that command but the game mode i desagree because when u buy the rank its for that
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