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Posts posted by D34DPlayer

  1. This being a multiplayer server, there are intrinsic constraints and choices that need to be made. First of all, the lag, you can make farms and rftools dimensions, but the moment you go overboard and what you've done starts having a decent impact on the server's state you'll be warned about it, since it wouldn't be fair for other players to suffer from something they aren't causing. Secondly, working on balance, even tho it's impossible to have totally balanced trading system in modpacks with a linear progression, we have to set the limit somewhere, and we chose that it would be the totally unbalanced items (wand of animation, creative tank, creative chest (this one can be used for duping so it's plain restricted)), since they give the exactly the same value to one block/bucket and an infinite amount of them, and that's simply wrong.

    So there are two options, either you use those unbalanced items in your base and play the modpack normally, with the only drawback being that you can't sell/gift the stuff they have influenced. Or keep farms to produce what ever you want to sell without the unbalanced items (at a reasonable size so that it doesn't affect the server) so that you can sell them.

    This being a multiplayer server you have to make a choice, either make things fast for you and your island members, or make things slowly to sell them to others. Or just do both but keep them clearly separated so staff can assure it is the case. However you won't be allowed to produce stuff insanely fast and still be able to sell/gift them.

  2. Ice Bomb quest removed as the item is restricted.

    For the Pirat Hat one, it seems it is impossible to craft it indeed and it's a problem with the modpack itself. You can still get the archeologist from the Cheesy Lootbox, so I guess that's the intended way to get it, at least for the first one.
    I don't know much about the Rats mod so there could also be other methods to get the archeologist upgrade.

  3. In order for our and your convenience, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your island rollback request topic.
    For your topic name, use [Claim Rollback Request]*YourName*

    Your Name:
    Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/timezone/date when everything was fine): 
    Description of Issue: 
    Screenshots (Optional): 

  4. In order for our and your convenience, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your inventory rollback request topic.
    For your topic name, use [Buycraft Issue]*YourName*

    In game name:
    Proof of Purchase:
    Description of Issue: 

    Time/Date of Purchase (day/month/year): 
    Items/Rank Bought:
    Screenshots (Optional):
    Any other important information:

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