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Everything posted by D34DPlayer

  1. If you have a video recording of it, please upload it to YT and share the link here so that we can find what's going on.
  2. The wireless access point allows you to use the wireless terminals to access your system (it defines its range) and you need the security terminal to link them. About the setup, it simply isolates those in their own network thanks to that quartz fiber (transfers energy but no data) and uses the storage bus to access the main network's storage.
  3. Rollback undone, next time try to edit your post before the rollback is done, I don't keep the rollback backps for too long ^^'. That bug about ae2 stuff popping out is, most of the time, related to the security terminal so give that setup a try.
  4. Island rolled back to Friday 8PM, tell me if there's any issue. The ae2 blocks popping up are caused by your security terminal, if you are using it to access it wirelessly use this setup instead. Since sf4 has no channels you can replace that green cable with a regular me cable, what this does is that it simply leaves the security terminal in its own network so that it won't make the blocks in the main one pop off.
  5. I guess you're talking about Compact Machines. Those are broken in any sponge server and even if you get a clean one there's no guarantee someone else won't get there and break it up. Don't use them if you care about your items.
  6. It only loads the chunk it's in and you are limited to 4 by default. That limit can be increased on buycraft.
  7. We already have a plugin that allows you to make chunkloaders that are more reliable than the weirding gadget ones, BetterChunkLoader. To make one you just have to place an iron block in the chunk you want to load and right click it with a blaze rod.
  8. A timezone will be needed to perform the rollback.
  9. I'll need a timezone to perform the rollback
  10. The island can't be rolled back since you made a new one, and the inv probably can't either since there was probably only a small time gap between when you voted and when you ran /is create. Make a refund request listing the things you lost instead.
  11. Block removed, tell me if you are able to join back.
  12. Your friend has a Sponsor+ rank, has this already been solved?
  13. In order for our and your convenience, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your island rollback request topic.For your topic name, use [Claim Rollback Request]*YourName* Your Name: Coordinates: Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/timezone/date when everything was fine): Description of Issue: Screenshots (Optional):
  14. In order for our and your convenience, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your inventory rollback request topic.For your topic name, use [Buycraft Issue]*YourName* In game name: Proof of Purchase: Description of Issue: Time/Date of Purchase (day/month/year): Items/Rank Bought: Screenshots (Optional): Any other important information:
  15. If you wish for any extra commands for in-game usage, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your Command Request topic.For your topic name, use [Command Request]*YourName* Requirements: No record of any kind of command abuse A donor rank of Sponsor or Sponsor+ A relatively clean ban record Account Name: Rank: Requested Commands^: Reason for Request*: ^ = (Add the node of the commands if you know it so they are easier to add. E.g nucleus.feed.base) * = (Add the reasons for each command you are requesting) Notice! Abuse of permitted commands will result in you having your requested commands revoked with complete denial of granting any future command requests.
  16. In order for our and your convenience, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your inventory rollback request topic.For your topic name, use [Inventory Rollback Request]*YourName* Your Name: Coordinates: Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/timezone/date when everything was fine): Description of Issue: Screenshots (Optional):
  17. In order for our and your convenience, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your refund request topic.For your topic name, use [Refund Request]*YourName* Your Name: Item Name + ID + Amount: Base coordinates: Description of Issue: Screenshots (Optional): Notice! Refund requests are implemented to return items lost due to server errors. Errors may include but not limited to: Crashes, Bugs, Lag-Removal. This request is not for items lost from user error or deaths. If you are caught lying in your refund request, any further refund requests made by you will be denied unless you provide screenshotted proof of you having the items.
  18. Overview + Guidelines: Unfortunately if you are reading this post, it's probably due to you being banned. Follow the directions that are provided to you in this post for a successful appeal. Copy & paste this model into your appeal and fill out its contents before posting. Make sure that all fields are properly filled and try not to leave any of them blank. Instructions to Follow: [unban Model Below] Topic Title Should Be: [unban] [username here] [Copy Paste All Below and use it in your Unban Appeal Topic] [1] In-Game Username: -(Answer in this line)- [2] Details of Situation: -(Answer in this line)- [3] Ban Category: -(Answer in this line)- [4] Ban Duration: -(Answer in this line)- [5] Staff Member: -(Answer in this line)- [6] ScreenShots: -(Answer in this line)- [7] Your Reason: -(Answer in this line)-
  19. Community Rules: These rules apply to every server. Server specific rules are further down. 1. No Hacked Clients: 2. No Abusing Bugs / Exploits: 3. No Advertising: 4. No Inappropriate Conduct: 5. No Harassment: 6. No intentional harm to Server Integrity: 7. No Impersonating Staff: 8. No Griefing any Protected Areas: 9. No Console Clients: 10. No Punishment Evading: 11. Don't sell items for in real life money: 12. No Tracking Staff: 13. No Databasing Players: 0. Use Common Sense: Project Ozone 3 Rules: These rules are Project Ozone 3 specific. Other servers might share some of these rules, so make sure to always read up on the server specific rules. 1. Creative Items: 2. PvP:
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