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Everything posted by Vampiremaster

  1. Ima do the old “press x to doubt” but hell, how would I know. ??
  2. Yeah cause someone making fake accounts wouldn’t say that. ? funniest part is that you say “all different people” like you know all the other ones personally. More like you made them all lmao This page doesn’t even come up when googling Enigmatica server. And there are plenty out there that are already made and running.
  3. So uh looks like someone made a few extra accounts to vote for Enigmatica 2 expert. 3 votes from accounts made the same minute as the vote and all within 10 minutes of each other. Is this allowed? (I doubt it) edit: lmfao I didn’t look closely enough. Make that 5 acounts in 20 minutes. ???
  4. It would be fun but I prefer quest books. Also says recommended 6 gigs dedicated ram. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say a lot of people can’t dedicate that much ?
  5. So this would bring more people to craftersland. I for one tried finding a server for this pack a few days ago, and couldn’t find many. I bet there are ton for rougelike. “Diamond in the rough” ?
  6. Tkxit 3 says it’s still in beta lol.
  7. expert or not tho? we've had both suggested p.s. if u dont say expert ur not a pro ? p.p.s. jk
  8. boooooooo. theres so many servers for that! We only get 1 pack for hardcore and thats IE and the questbook doesn't even work half the time
  9. Dungeons, dragons, and space shuttles has tons of exploration and adventure stuff. I bet you'd love it. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/dungeons-dragons-and-space-shuttles
  10. Look at my suggestions if you like those Edit: gimme a cookie
  11. 1.I think we should add Dungeons, Dragons, and Space Shuttles. It is updated to 1.12.2, has over 1550 quests, and has something for everyone such as tech, magic, and exploration/adventure aspects. 2. I also think that Enigmatica 2: Expert could be added so that we have another expert level pack other than IE and OmniFactory(LagFactory). This is also up to 1.12.2 and has over 650 quests and also has tech and magic mods like my number 1. 3. Final suggestion if Greg Tech New Horizon. I'm not sure what version this one is up to yet, but I feel that having another greg tech pack other than Omni would be nice.
  12. I think Enable Rednet Energy Cables should be enabled so we have better RF to EU transfer.
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