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Riis last won the day on July 23 2024

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  1. @brunyman Still broken 6 months later btw
  2. Kas fixed the maintenance mode, and I was able to TP to my base without the server crashing, so looks like the update fixed my issue.
  3. Thank you for updating, however the server appears to be stuck in maintenance mode. Others are reporting the same message.
  4. Don't think this is gonna get looked into, so I'll just have to transfer my VIP lol
  5. I tried once more when there were no people online and it crashed the server right away, unless we both got bugged lol. Very possible with this buggy pack.
  6. In-game name: bottleofsyrup Today the server started crashing any time I would try to load in. It didn't crash last night when I logged out. I don't even know what it could be because I have no automation or anything yet. Please send me to spawn and check the logs to see what it is. Thank you. P.S. the pack is very out of date now. Server is is on pack version 1.12 and recent version is 1.16.
  7. Your screenshot says 1.7 and this is the 1.12 section...
  8. So far this is the only CL pack I've played where the sleep percentage is set to 100%, which I assume is simply an oversight. Once you have more than 3 people online it's next to impossible to get every single person sleeping.
  9. It's not letting me edit OP for some reason, but Bruny has fixed this now.
  10. Forgot to report this when I noticed a few days ago, but we're not getting the 4x vote rewards this week like the other servers. Just the one key per vote. Edit: This is fixed now. Thanks, Bruny.
  11. Just had this happen to me as well.
  12. In game name: bottleofsyrup Proof of Purchase: tbx-70418324a42648-b2631a Description of Issue: I bought VIP for the Direwolf20 1.20 server, and the message popped up in game chat that I donated for VIP, but I don't have any of the benefits or any indication that I have it. I've tried waiting and relogging. Time/Date of Purchase (day/month/year): 2/7/2024 Items/Rank Bought: VIP Screenshots (Optional): Any other important information:
  13. Jebac has fixed it.
  14. It hurts to say since this was my main pack before, but you're right. The community has died down a lot and there are too many packs with only 1-2 people playing them. The 1.20 version would be the go-to if it weren't for the login issue. If Bruny can get that fixed I see no reason to keep so many different versions of Direwolf open.
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