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Slyklaw last won the day on June 23 2023

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  1. Ah, storage bus. Couldn't figure out how to export Waste. Any idea how to get water fast? Import bus is too slow, and I'm trying to cut corners by not making a turbine.
  2. As expected, I can't import Waste. So instead, use p2p like a pipe?
  3. So...eliminate the Pipez, and run everything through AE? Gotcha, thx.
  4. Yes, the Pipez stop working on server reset. I don't understand how AE2 fixes that.
  5. Mek pipes are banned, and Pipez pipes are bugged, so running a Fission reactor isn't possible. Please add an Ender Tank at spawn with infinite Nuclear Waste. Edit: Oh, wait, Ender Tanks probably can't handle gas. Any ideas? Sell Creative Nuclear Waste Chemical Tanks at Spawn?
  6. Your Name: Slyklaw Item Name + Amount: * 54x Pladium Structure Frames * 56x Structure Panels * 1x Pladium Void Miner CCU Coordinates (format x, y, z): -487 62 -5496 The End Coordinates of Death Tablet placed in a chest: Description of Issue: After placing my miner in The End, I went /home to get a waystone and then /back. When I got back to End, the miner was completely gone. Screenshot attached before miner went poof.
  7. Looks like 3xj was able to fix the questbook.
  8. All the quests have turned from not consuming the item, to consuming the item. For long quest lines, this means re-crafting many many items.
  9. Your Name: Slyklaw Item Name + ID + Amount: Creative Fluid Tank, x64 Coordinates: 9470, -32010 Description of Issue: In single-player, the creative fluid tank can be emptied with the gauge dropper. For some reason this doesn't work on the server. Since I can't clear the tank, I'd like some replacement empty tanks. I don't know how many times I'll need to empty the tank, but I'd guess a stack of tanks is plenty.
  10. Your Name: Slyklaw Item Name + ID + Amount: 2x Creative Essence due to bugs: Coordinates: 9467, 32005 Description of Issue: First bug, using the FTB jar to melt essence into fluid piped to creative tank trashes the essence. Can confirm bug in single player. Second bug, using the FTB jar to melt essence into fluid without a tank should output an FTB Fluid Container with liquid creative essence. It does in single player, but not on the server.
  11. Sorry, still blown up. Go back another hour or so.
  12. Your Name: Slyklaw Island Owner Name: Slyklaw Coordinates: 9475, -3200 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 8pm 1/14 posted msg on discord with issue. Description of Issue: crafted a creative essense, and most of the seeds disappeared. Edit: Let's just do a refund of the 17 stacks of Insanium. The seeds aren't worth the trouble. Edit: Sigh, let's go back to Island Rollback Request. Somehow my reactor blew up after running fine for weeks. Time: just before 01:00 Monday, January 17, 2565 BE Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
  13. I should have specified more. The Interconnect recipes work fine in single player, but are missing in the server.
  14. Why is Void Miner disabled?
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