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Posts posted by MrThead

  1. My last aportation to vainilla


    Hello everyone we are so pleasure to announce that the Black market will change a lot, there will be more items, items of the past and new ones that in the future will have uses, so be fast and buy some of them 😁


    From other side i have to announce that the blackmarket will have 3 round every 3 months, what i mean is that every month you will have some items to buy and the next one others in total will be 3 kits


    Lastly, I have to say that I'm retiring from vainilla. If @brunyman wants to staff, work in vainilla he has to pay attention to all the servers, including ours servers.


    Thx to all and it has been a pleasure.Thx to @MiniTermi77 and @Jimmel, and how no, to all builders and staff to help me all time that I have been in vainilla but it is time to change and I will be there for any help if is need it.


    The time is changing and all we have to make an effort to make better decisions, this is my last advice for vainilla, make sure nothing stop you, try and hope although no one knows your effort to help this server more than the staff, no one will like changes but there have to be some of them in the server and in the way that this server thinks. This is all, special thx to all for this pleasure to be part of a gigant community that have made me so happy.


    When the time it comes

    the needs are more,

    make sure to change

    before the past

    take the future totally

  2. Hello everyone

    I would like to help to MiniTermi like Suarez to build in Act, im good building and  I think that we can get a very good results together.

    All we know that there is  entering more people and we need more builder i would like to enter to builder with MiniTermin , i think we will can fix the problem of Act, the builds and get a beautifule map with more secrets, decoration etc.


    Here there is a build that i have done in 30minutes:


    Also i have done a nether biome 

    here there are some pictures:






    Thx everyone

  3. Thanks for your time EPICfighters. But I don't want to bother, it's just a problem, that I asked to be able to change the time with / day or / night, which is equal to / time set day or / time set night, but I don't have it, nor does the / skull not have been any server failure or why would this have happened

  4. Account Name: TheTheadNote
    Rank: Sponsor
    Requested Commands^: /day and /night, /skull and /hat (pls)
    Reason for Request*:To acces to the time of the worlf of night and day and the /skulls to chance skulls to other (i kewn that i cant give that skulls to eny body and i kewn the rules and /hat to take skulls that have vanish enchantments

    If you can pls put  the commands in vainilla network in pure survival and ac (assasing)

  5. Hi everyone 

    In my opinion, I agree with HowYouLikeThatBP, I would say more, I would try to change some other modality to the previous versions which were famous. But this time make several versions compatible like Puresurvival-1.16 to 1.8 or Skywars 1.16 with the pvp of 1.8 is better if they have more versions to enter.

    Try to reopen the servers that were shut down. Which were very famous.

    And give the message that again this server has the modalities that the previous players liked to try to attract more people which will be easier with some youtuber, stremers...

    Thank for read and please give our opinion and share the post to the people of CraftersLand thanks you.

  6. Account Name: TheTheadNote
    Rank: Sponsor
    Requested Commands^: /day /weather clear /flyspeed
    Reason for Request*:To do day and to remove the rain and to go faster

    (In pure survival or were pls) (Fly speed if can be in assasing better thanks)


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