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Everything posted by cvance2387

  1. This is a known issue that we have yet to be able to determine the cause. @D34DPlayer will be around at some point to process this for you
  2. make a post in the technical support forum with the proper template and D34D should take care of it for you. It may take a few days however.
  3. Well from the sounds of it you used the keys and then the stuff you got from them may be gone? Either way you’ll have to submit an inventory rollback request.
  4. So from what I’ve read you had vote keys then used them and the stuff you got from them is gone?
  5. And this is for MCE?
  6. You can buy a port to spawn at the store, it’s free. As for the error I. Not sure what caused it but you could try reinstalling the pack.
  7. Thanks y’all, I made it with schematica so it didn’t take as long but still took a while lol
  8. cvance2387


    I'm sorry I'm not fully understanding your issue, I've been able to log in with my minecraft account and play on the server every time for the last couple days. As have others who aren't VIP or premium players. You've logged in with your minecraft account yes?
  9. cvance2387


    why are you pressing play offline? that's probably your issue, gotta login with your account and it should be fine.
  10. Hi there should be a thing in the craftersland store to "buy" a free port to spawn. Do you remember you're coords by chance?
  11. cvance2387


    what do you mean?
  12. theres not much to be done about the lag unfortunately, the latest update wasnt that great and i'm not sure when Bruny will update to the newest server pack that came out the other day.
  13. Thought I'd share the starship I just finished making in space for Advanced Rocketry, just need to put in the warp core and such and I can sail the stars. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5nt6eu1h4r40gt8/AACqPRCiw3oTv7S3gnZ-p7TVa?dl=0
  14. Today I'm the latest victim of at least 7 people that I can count on the technical support forum that have had their bases nuked. Clearly these can bypass grief protection so can we please disable nukes and missiles? I spent almost a week building a giant replica of the USS enterprise and now it's a radiated pile of rubble. This is really bad.
  15. It seems like these restarts are happening more and more often lately across all servers. Would it be possible to have the restarts at static times? say once an hour on the hour? That was at least someone will know before they go to log in that hey it's almost 14:00 I should wait a few because the server is going to restart soon. There have been many instances where I log in and 30 secs later the server restarts and I know i'm not alone. This would really improve the quality of play for your members.
  16. what does /god do?!
  17. infinity evolved reloaded would be cool, love the 1.7 version and would be nice to have a more updated version. FTB revelation looks fun too
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