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  1. Cant wait
  2. Every 3-5 seconds the server will drop to 5-8 TPS for about 5 seconds. This has been happening all day and towards the end of yesterday.
  3. How long does a reset take / when will it be put into effect?
  4. Whoops mb, I meant Protection 4, Unbreaking is useless on red matter armor xD
  5. Your Name: graket Item Name + Amount: Red Matter Helmet, Unbreaking 4 book, Soulbound 3 book Coordinates : N/A Coordinates of Death Tablet placed in a chest: N/A Description of Issue: In the Wireless Crafting Terminal, since it is halloween, your model looks like that of a Wither Skeleton wearing a Jack O' Lantern. If you attempt to remove or add armor to yourself it attempts to add it to "entity.player" while the wither skeleton is not a player entity, causing a crash. I took the helmet off, crashed, and it got despawned. Edit: Apparently using the Wireless Crafting Terminal AT ALL will cause a crash because of the stupid wither skeleton model. Screenshots (Optional):
  6. Your Name: graket Item Name + Amount: Builder (x1), Clearing Fortune Quarry (x1), Filter Module (x1), Flux Point (x1) Coordinates : N/A Coordinates of Death Tablet placed in a chest: N/A Description of Issue: A server crash reverted my player data to before I removed all of my quarry materials from my ME System, but the ME System data was saved (No Quarry Card/Builder/etc) Screenshots (Optional): N/A
  7. I cannot connect to the Continuum server, gives me a timeout error.
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