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Braiden2001 last won the day on July 11 2021

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  1. okay thanks for helping me some unlike the others that just was like oh blob a blob you didnt do this or you dont know who the manager is also could you send me your discord tag? so i could dm you about helping me get up the group of players that have armor that allow them flight inf flight preferably
  2. @iim_wolf sorry for the extremaly late reply but Which events will you make on the server?: I was thinking about doing pvp/pve based events along with parkour ,some version of tag ,spleef ,races ,and any other event ideas that people might suggest we do How often will you make events?: It would depend on who all is online at the time in my guild but i would try to do one atleast 1 every month if not more because i had planned on doing this durring my summer break so i could do one ever 1-2 weeks but since school is starting now it may very depending on how much free time i get How would you manage the shop section on the island (if you want do one)?: I was thinking of using the acution command system and doing manual payments in order to host giant auctions and letting people sell us resorces and stuff for us to sell for an slightly increased priced back to the other players that would wish to buy it and if staff cant help me build it then do you think you could help me get up a decent sized team of people to work on it sometime in the future like i mean atleast a 15 people because of the size of the build alone takes awhile just to do the central ring by your self with creative
  3. Would you please send me a link to the template also i already listed the cords for the location of the base at the end of it or those should be the cords if not im sorry and will go correct them
  4. no i'm fairly new to the server and happened to stumble apon the the base with chest and stuff in it labeled like "ban evidence" and such so i figured the owner was ethire banned or no longer played as when i found the base i probaly havent been playing on the server for more then a month at the time
  5. Your Name: Braiden2001 Coordinates: Where ever my island was Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 2:30pm UTC-5 July 6th 2021 Description of Issue: so I had mad an island when I first joined the server and well I wanted to delete it so it wouldn't keep taking up a slot and well when I deleted it my entire inventory was deleted as well and I was hoping I could get my inventory back as the /is delete command didn't give me any warning that it would delete my inventory as well
  6. Dear mods of SF4 we found an really cool base not far from spawn that seems to be abandoned that's claimed by a player called "D34dplayer" and well me and and 3 other where wanting to take it and turn it into a player hub of sorts but since its claimed by another player that doesn't seem to be playing anymore and seems to be more then likely banned we would like to request a mod remove the claim and transfer it over to me so me and my friends can repair it and turn it into a player ran hub allowing people to make their own shops run player ran events etc. anyways the cords for the base are at X 255 Z -257 Y 165
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