In-Game Nickname: Xaedric
Time and Date: 02:23:26-02:57:14 UTC+2
Description of what happened: I challenge Xaedric to kill me, first try failed, second was succesful(by creative weapon, I was dont mind), then I say to Xaedric to leave me, he ignore that message and start doing some cursed thing around my base, because "Dificulty" scales by people around, every mob was insta kill for me, and i died 2-5 times, then he reject my requst to refund my stuff (juggernaut pet, and 4 books on Last Stand 2)
I take a video of hapening:
Video starts in midle of the story, because of my shadow play limit.
On video you can see the conversation.
in 5:07 my stuff disapeared because of strange orbs created by Xaedric.