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Everything posted by logen_relogen

  1. In-Game Nickname: (witeklos) Time and Date: Jan 6. 2022 Description of what happened: witeklos spawn some OP zombie near my base and he isnta-kill me(also it broke my armor), at first he pretends to be confused as me, then he spawns a bunch of zombies and they were kiling me 2-3 times in a row without any chance of escaping. Thats not full story, details in video Proof: https://youtu.be/YK7e4fWHa4k https://youtu.be/3zsrYap0878
  2. In-Game Nickname: Xaedric Time and Date: 02:23:26-02:57:14 UTC+2 Description of what happened: I challenge Xaedric to kill me, first try failed, second was succesful(by creative weapon, I was dont mind), then I say to Xaedric to leave me, he ignore that message and start doing some cursed thing around my base, because "Dificulty" scales by people around, every mob was insta kill for me, and i died 2-5 times, then he reject my requst to refund my stuff (juggernaut pet, and 4 books on Last Stand 2) I take a video of hapening: https://youtu.be/rJIuPyGCf4Y Video starts in midle of the story, because of my shadow play limit. On video you can see the conversation. in 5:07 my stuff disapeared because of strange orbs created by Xaedric.
  3. He tracked us by conversation, and the just /warp end. I read the rules, I don't think there is something else, he just a bad/toxic guy, he ruins people's gameplay because he bored.
  4. In-Game Nickname: ZerothEU Your username (Optional): logen_relogen Time and Date: 3:00-4:00 26.12.2021 UTC+2 Description of what happened: ShadowAlpha3060 died by my fault, and I tryed to rescue his items, several bad tries and ZerothEU came and killed ShadowAlpha3060 then he starts to pick up items and store, then he killed me and take my loot. He returned some of ShadowAlpha3060 items, but not a single of mines. Screenshots or Proof: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/905880075424108568/924479801530675220/2021-12-26_03.36.54.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/905880075424108568/924479801773924372/2021-12-26_03.37.04.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/905880075424108568/924479802067550238/2021-12-26_03.37.23.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/905880075424108568/924479802654724156/2021-12-26_03.37.30.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/905880075424108568/924479802918977576/2021-12-26_03.36.42.png List of eyewitnesses: ShadowAlpha3060, UtsubyoX. Also am have a video of that incident. (shadow play)
  5. In-Game Nickname: Konstadoulis Time and Date: August 4 Description of what happened: I got banned for dupe. He put time in reason that what makes ban permanent, it was intended. After 3 weeks i got unbanned by brunyman. After I notice that, I joined the server and start walkin around that place where was my base, after no long time I got banned again. ZerothEU have no idea what he talkin about. After that I created the lastest unban topic a best of he can say is "you crossed the line too many times" and his favorite "for what you caused on the server". I spoke with the moderators, and deep search they said that the ban was not issued fairly, he litiraly have only 1 screenshot of items in my chest as a proof... As he did not provide proofs of "what you caused on the server" and closes the topics that I create, I regard this as an abuse of administrative rights. The reason:
  6. Nice to hear that, I wonder do ban list will be cleared? I ask because I lost my hope to get unbaned.
  7. TurtleBoi182 He bulling me and Interferes with play. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/635794434977693716/871802103646023740/2021-08-01_20.16.34.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/635794434977693716/871802106082889758/2021-08-01_20.16.45.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/635794434977693716/871802110990221322/2021-08-02_19.39.57.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/635794434977693716/871802111929761832/2021-08-01_19.19.47.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/635794434977693716/871802112860880906/2021-08-01_20.03.49.png
  8. Im in tropic craft dismention, when im join server start restarting(or crash)
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