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Thatcrazyflyguy last won the day on August 28 2024

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  1. Shivaxi hasn't made a new version. Dregora is not shivaxi's its someone elses project entirely with shivaxi being involved but not his project. Noone knows what happened with 2.10 which was going to be the next rlcraft version. Shivaxi hasn't talked about it since shortly after rlcraft dregora dropped. Also the server has wiped multiple times since it started around 2020. At least one a year as when the vote was every six months the first vote would be no's and 2nd would be yes's. The wipe won't be useless because of no update that is absurd. Some people are literally waiting for a wipe to start fresh again they have everything, they don't want their char and bases wiped they want everything wiped.
  2. Nothing was provided T/C
  3. This is your 2nd time being caught with cheats. Whether you use them or not doesn't matter. Just having them is enough for a ban. Also using staff as your excuse for using cheats is no good. Ban appeal denied. T/C
  4. Duplicate post T/C
  5. Guess its all good T/C
  6. Inventory rollback complete sorry about the delay. I will leave this post open for a few days in case you find your still mising something. Post it here and I will refund it. Otherwise have a great day! o/
  7. Well mailmankarlson as that was the name you had when you were banned. You had multiple punishments leading up to that and then you threatened to let everyone know the duping method when it didn't get you out of the tempban you were already in. Also your last punishment before permaban was for using a hacked client not duping Unban denied. T/C
  8. Player left the server. T/C
  9. Not sure how this was missed. Nothing we can do now as server has wiped. T/C
  10. Alright your good to go. Rank reactivated. Have a great day! o/ T/C
  11. Duplicate post already moved the other one where it should be. T/C
  12. Sadly this is a normal death. We don't rollback for normal deaths. Rollback denied. T/C
  13. You used excessive caps and bad language for a total of 4 offenses. You tpkilled. You advertised another server. You killed in spawn 3 times. Then griefed a claim. If its left up to me. The answer is no. If a manager decides otherwise. So be it.
  14. Unfortunately since people can just delete them from the modlist and from their recycle bin. None of that counts as evidence.
  15. PSP hellz yea!!!
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