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McDonaldsSalad last won the day on March 9

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About McDonaldsSalad

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  1. Your base wouldn't wipe because it was unclaimed. Only time a base is wiped is for a server wipe, in this case.
  2. Your password has been changed. I sent you a message here on what the new password is. Don't forget to change it
  3. Hi there, since this post is old, it was probably lost somewhere along the way. Can you provide your username and a manager will be able to reset your character when they have a chance
  4. Are you wanting an inventory rollback or just an item refund request?
  5. Old post but since you are still active on the server, and the player has not been on since December 5th 2023, the claim has been removed
  6. Hi there, are you simply flying around or are you looking underground as well? They spawn underground more often than they do aboveground
  7. Hi there, we are aware of this issue, but as of now, not really sure how to permanently fix it. You can bypass the byte limit with this mod though! Simply add it to your mods folder and youre good to go! Let me know if you have any more issues and need help adding the mod packetfixer-forge-2.0.0-1.18-to-1.18.2.jar
  8. Hi there! Have you tried clicking “edit” next to your loaders and removing them that way?
  9. Hi there, I have informed the Vanilla server admin of this issue!
  10. Hey there! Please edit your post and follow this template!
  11. I would suggest an inventory rollback, edit your post, or make a new one, with the following template:
  12. Oh I see. Then you'll need to make a rank reactivation post under the "Rank Transfer" subsection. Make sure to include the transaction ID, if possible. Use this template:
  13. Are you referring to the forum 'VIP' rank?
  14. The last wipe for Direwolf 1.12.2 was in June, when was the last time you played?
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