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Everything posted by ismoe

  1. First of all thank you for the work and effort you've put into this Henk, I don't really know how hard it is to put everything together but, it doesn't look that easy, we all appreciate it.? I have a small suggestion that a lot of people would like, I personally would love it. I want to ask for the Factions server back, it was really fun to just gather stuff, go raid people and have fun. It was something new everyday, and people are already trying to do that on pure survival. They try raiding people and that isn't allowed there nor possible, that's why I'm posting this small suggestion, because it was really fun and I think a lot of people would play it again. If you want to make a poll about it I'll be one of the first people to vote
  2. Gives me a creepy vibe but I like it!
  3. This came out of no where. But I like the idea, they should add more animals into the game.
  4. Account Name: ismoe Rank: Sponsor+ Requested Commands: worldedit, /flyspeed and /speed (Skyblock & Hiipo) [] (/flyspeed) (AC) Reason for Request: Same reasons as my older post. To build and have fun. Since skyblock is fixed now I do want to play there and enjoy it again as I did in 2015. But also have a little extra things to help me build what I desire. My other post that got accepted
  5. Thank you, I really appreciate that.

  6. bump
  7. Account Name: ismoe Rank: Sponsor Requested Commands: worldedit, /flyspeed and /speed (Pure Survival) Reason for Request: I do love building, you can probably look at the buildings I have in pure survival they do have alot of space and some are underwater which actually took alot of time to do. I do like making bases/houses that have alot of space, I do plan on expanding but as you know clicking too much with the mouse does hurt your fingers. So I do request kindly for permissions to use worldedit as it would help me alot. As for flyspeed and speed its just for me to get around my blocks faster. or if I'm looking for a good area to build in.
  8. Yo, I just have a quick question. so I'm premium+ on pure survival and Premium everywhere else. if I go towards the store and buy this http://prntscr.com/oofjnd

    Will it give me sponsor everywhere else? I'm just confused by the wording. I don't know whether that Premium+ should be my Global Rank in order for me to purchase that package or should it just be a rank in one of the servers.

  9. What does the top voter for the Network server get? also a vip rank? I do not understand. What if I already have a vip rank there?
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