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I bought the Master SF name tag thing on the shop, not realising it would overwrite my current Sponsor+ prefix, since it says " This does not add or remove any of your current permissions. It only adds a pefix to your name "

It just adds a prefix, not replace, that's how I understood it all before I bought it.
Regardless, is it possible  to get something like how the staff members have it? ( like the picture down below. )

And if I'd have to donate another few euroes I could do that, purely for the tag. I just want to support the server in every way I can :-)


Thank you.




EDIT: Henk loses his sponsor+ tag but still have sponsor+ permission in-game, his in-game name now is [Master] Henkekalmar rather than [S+] [Master] Henkekalmar, is this suppose to happen or there is just a collision between tags?


@brunyman @Powerwarp

  • Founder

Hi, I have fixed the tag for you, if you already have a rank and you want to keep the rank tag with the custom one we have to edit it manually, just have to post it like you did


T/C. Problem is solved.

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