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OriginalDope cheating mute


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Title: [Complaint] (Player Name)



In-Game Nickname: OriginalDope

Time and date: 9:40 PM , March 4, 2017

Description of what happened: Nukelar muted OriginalDope. Dope later found a way to cheat the system. I did /msg OriginalDope . I wasn't expecting him to respond back.. well.. he did. here's the screenshot.

Screenshots or Proof: http://prntscr.com/eg5qke

List of eyewitnesses: cvancil



If your complaint has been found void, do not make another one!



Thanks for your help keeping our servers clean.


When muted you can do /msg /r and so on, by bypassing i meant speaking in GLOBAL chat with a certain command that im not revealing, thnak you for your consideration though :D


Oh wow.. I've missed 3 post replies now.. I thought that "Notify me of replies" Would be via email or something..


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