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[Modular Power Suits] Adding Lux capacitor feature back


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Hello. I was struggling to put lux capacitor module but i noticed that it is not possible to use lux capacitor in this server. I don't know why it is banned, but i strongly suggest to add it back because it is very utile. I hope it can be added to game.


It is banned because it bypasses protection, and people often use it to grief spawn. In large enough numbers, it can also cause a great amount of lag.


But still lux capacitors can be very useful in many situation and it is impossible to grief spawn with it since we cannot use items in spawn. Banning such useful item with just those reason is not fair. 


I said it bypasses the protections of spawn and towns. That means it's not fully supported by the code, and therefore exploitable by people who like to do that kind of thing. The same goes for a number of other otherwise useful items and blocks, simply because they can be exploited due to imperfect code which cannot be patched. If there were a way to prevent it from going into protected areas, I can assure you, we would have found it and unbanned it. As it stands right now, though, it's not patched, and it bypasses, and therefore banned.

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