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Refund Request


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Account Name: MrColt

Item name + item ID:
Block of Quartz (155) around 1 and a half stack.
Gray Stained Clay (159:7) around 6 stacks.
Big Backpack 5857:48 Only 1.
Big Purple Backpack (5857:37) Only 1.
and two other backpacks i dont remember colour of. then i lost alot of other stuff, like maybe 30 stacks total of sand, like 20 sandstone / smooth sandstone and such, but i have very much sand, so i dont want that back

Time/date[time/date when "WHAT" happened]: Sunday at 9PM Eastern time. (or so i was told)


Description of Issue: I dont really know what happend. i had a plot in Train19's town and had build a house all day, the next day when i came on after work my house including two chests i had full of items were gone. same as Belgarufo's, Zee'z and Others plots were all gone, so i guessed at a rollback and was told later that it was indeed a rollback that happend. I just mentioned the things i remember and the things i want back in the List above. 

Evidence (optional, but highly recommended): I have no evidence, but a Helper and a MOD can vertify this.


Refunded 96 block of quartz, 6 stacks of clay, 2 large backpacks and 16 tanned leather to allow you to craft those other backpacks.  I also added sand in one of the backpacks to cover your loss.

Refund complete, T/C

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