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i was putting all i owned in my backpack and inventory to start moving to new location. When i was done putting the last few items in my account crashed, It was sort of bug from the server side that trew me out. i cant logg in anymore. all i see is emty inventory and sort off black background. it happend around 00:15 dutch (amsterdam) time.

i tryed to restart the game twice, and my pc once.. its not my game that did it i think.

Can u help me in this matter please?

if you need to do a rollback to fix it, so be it, but not longer back then 10 min please.

my account name is SophieMarceau,

it happend at my home first floor where my ME system was. i was moving that to my inventory.

thank you for your time

with regards sophie.

PS: by talking on discord it is my fault, i am sorry i was moving my stuff not thinking about my hard drives. again i am sorry that you need to put time in this. (it wont happen again)

Sorry <3

Town name Sophie

i think coords 1034 2440 59



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Your inventory got corrupted because you placed too much items in it, more then the client is designed to load, so inventory content is lost. 

In order to restore the loss I did a town rollback.

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