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[Town Removal] Town Reclaim Request, to get our Archives back


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Account Name(you): Garenthino


Town name in question(case sensitive): Genesis-Archives

Coordinates: Directly SW of -3188, +1741

Town members: _Bull_Dozer_

Reason for request: We had a situation a couple months ago where one of our clan members was given the position of Mayor of our Archives, and they turned out to be someone who couldn't be trusted. They removed all of our accesses and turned over the town to this _bull_dozer_ guy who refused to give us back our Archives, despite the amount of work we have done building this massive base. The admins couldn't help us until he met the inactivity requirements, and finally he has been offline for over 30 days. I am submitting this template to request that the town be removed so that we can reclaim our base and the mountains of work we put in to it. We really do not want to lose any of the work we put in to this base, as it represents the single largest effort on the part of all of us in Genesis Corp. Will you please help us?

Screenshot of town members activity (optional, but recommended):




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