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Overview + Guidelines:

Unfortunately if you are reading this post, it's probably due to you being banned.

Follow the directions that are provided to you in this post for a successful appeal.

Copy & paste this model into your appeal and fill out its contents before posting.

Make sure that all fields are properly filled and try not to leave any of them blank.


Instructions to Follow:

[unban Model Below]

Topic Title Should Be: [unban] [username here]

[Copy Paste All Below and use it in your Unban Appeal Topic]


[1] In-Game Username:

[2] Details of Situation:

powerwarp put to me Content Aproved, but this point say Expires on 7 days, but today power dont removed it! (power punished me 7 months ago)

[5] Staff Member:


[7] Your Reason:

-For me, so much time....


Good Luck,

~Powerwarp, Community Manager.

~Andrew2060, Forum Moderator.


~Yasso Moderator 

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It will not be removed. Here is a list of all your forum warnings. 2izDkuY.png

You've constantly been warned time and time again. None of them are going to be removed, and your content moderation will remain. 
Topic closed.

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