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Bad sportsmanship


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Hi @Twynics, for next cases, can you please compile all your reports of individuals in a compiled report instead of having multiple topics with 5-10 minute gaps? They spam the unread section and we don't really appreciate the spam in this case where it could be avoided by some simple compiling. Take a look at RuisuMc's reports, I had told him about his habit of doing reports like this before and now he's making single report posts consisting of more than 10 people at once. Thanks for understanding

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Just now, Yusixs said:

Hi @Twynics, for next cases, can you please compile all your reports of individuals in a simple report instead of having multiple topics with 5-10 minute gaps? They spam the unread section and we don't really appreciate the spam in this case where it could be avoided by some simple compiling. Take a look at RuisuMc's reports, I had told him about his habit of doing reports like this before and now he's making single report posts consisting of more than 10 people at once. Thanks for understanding

Okay thanks for letting me know!

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