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Everything turns into obsidian all the time


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First my tessarects turned into obsidian, which was then fixed and have not happend since. Got help from Belgarufo on how to avoid it best. I simply had to many tessarects in the same area.

Second my Electric Turbines from 6 of my fusion reactors turned into Obsidian, which i was refunded by RandomNukes and havent build any since. But there were still 2 bigger fusions which had not been affected. about an hour after that, i went to check in on them and they turned to obsidian aswell.

Now my Fulmination Generator has turned into obsidian. This is very annoying, please guide me on how i can avoid this.

Account Name: MrColt

Item name + item ID (item ID optional, but very helpful): Fulmination Generator, 1412

Time/date[time/date when "WHAT" happened]: Not 100% sure, i was AFK for about 30 min. saw it at 07:26 gmt+1, 22th November, 2017.


Description of Issue: just walked by it and noticed it, dont know exact time it happend.





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