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[Player Data/Town/Inventory] ManYouForgot

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In-game Name: ManYouForgot

Island Rollback

Your Name: ManYouForgot
Island Owner Name: ManYouForgot
Coordiantes: N/A
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 2:50am cst

Inventory Rollback

Your Name: ManYouForgot
Coordinates: N/A
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 2:50am cst
Description of Issue: Well let me start from the beginning the other day I made the Reinforced Watering Can (Where it requires a piece of your soul, 1 perm loss of heart) I tried cheating this by making a clone with Sync. Problems was made i made too many clones anyways i made the can and it took a heart from me for each Clone. So instead of 1 heart it was 3 (where i thought it shouldnt take any if i used a clone but live and learn.) if possible could i get my hearts fixed? 

Then today I made a bag of holding and had all my valuables in it and it was enchanted with soulbound, I died to a mob and I respawned in one of those clones i forgot about, without the bag of holding, and i broke the grave and it wasnt there either.

So could i please get my inventory and Island rollback to the same time so i wont be missing any items cause i shuffle things around alot and wouldnt wanna miss anything important.


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