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SpawnKill {CTW} [LynesMC] (#2)


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Network Server (Ac v1, Factions, etc.) Capture The Wool


In-Game Nickname BitcxhImMadonna_


Nickname of the one you are complaining about LynesMC


Description of the situation The mentioned player did SpawnKill


Screenshots/Video Proof (Required) The password is: Wondersland123


Players that can confirm your situation (If applicable) All the players that are seen in the chat

Thanks a lot

PDT: I'm sorry for the sound of the video, I was listening to music and I didn't think that it was going to be heard.

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Look, in the video you can see that no wool is captured, in the video that shows comes after going through the wool, in addition, you say that they did not let you go by the wool, which in the video is a lie, since If you see, I'm there and I did not do anything to you, and you killed me.

in spanish:

Mira, en el video se puede ver que no esta ninguna wool capturada, en el video que muestras sale despues de ir por las lanas, además, dices que no te dejaron ir por las lanas, lo cual en el video es mentira, ya que si ves, estoy yo ahí y no te hice nada, y me mataste.

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By the way, you went with things too enchanted, and you positioned yourself in front of the base to kill whoever approaches you, I have not attacked you and you killed me, even so saying that I interrupted your path, and then you decided to go for the wool to disguise the spawnkill.

in spanish:

Por cierto, fuiste con cosas demasiado encantadas, y te posicionaste en frente de la base para matar a quien se te acerque, yo ni te he atacado y me mataste, aún así diciendo que te interrumpí tu camino, y luego decidiste ir por las lanas para disimiluar el spawnkill

Well, now we'll see what the staff will say, we'll see if they believe you and your lie or me with the truth, that's right. uwu

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If I killed you it's because you approached me, I did not know you were going to come alone to record ¬ ¬ I killed them because they got in my way to go for the wool.
And that does not count as spawnkill. Spawnkill is attacking them in the spawn without letting them out, I'm far from the spawn, and in your video you see that I kill them and I go, and in my video you can see that I am with the pink wool directing me to the red one.
I do not pretend anything, you stop lying, you can see that I'm going for the wool, that's not spawnkill.
And if I went with enchanted things, it was so they would not kill me. But in the video it seems that you use hacks, I had eaten a notch and you killed me with 2 blows, and I had enchanted iron armor.
You just want me to be banned because you hate me and you start to invent lies.

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2 minutes ago, LynesMC said:

And I have enchanted iron armor with protection 4 and I have eaten a notch, it is not enough that you only use force 2 and give me 2 blows to kill me, you use ¬ ¬ hacks.
It would not be weird if someone reports you for that.

You're right, it would not be strange that "I use hacks" but look, what hack do you think I use to kill you? Is that the ExtremeDamage hack? Haha

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Yes? Tell me how big is the island of each team, I turn around, take a few steps and I find the bridge to my island ¬ ¬
Think before saying something, you just want me to ban saying nonsense.
And what experience are you going to have, if you've been here a few months.
I am here more than 1 year.
Every thing that I refute you, you leave it aside and start with something new because you know that what I say is true.
Just stop lying, little rat xddd.

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let me analyze that well

You came with things too enchanted, you come to my island to do SpawnKill up, then, you realized that I was recording or something similar, well that's not exactly, but you wanted to hide that you wanted to do kills; you wanted to achieve this by capturing the wool, after you grabbed the first wool, you come back to grab the other one, you come and you find me without moving, you try to kill me and you do not succeed, you tried it with a bow and neither did I hide, came another player called zombiegun to try to kill you, you kill him, and then it happens again and I arrived, with sword of iron with sharpness 4 and fireaspect 2, the two hits I made with critics and you called me hacks, then you accuse me of hacks in the forum and he calls me little rat, wow

in spanish:

Tú viniste con cosas demasiado encantadas, vienes a mi isla a hacer SpawnKill arriba, despues, te diste cuenta que yo estaba grabando o algo parecido, bueno eso no exactamente pero quisiste disimular que querias hacer kills; esto lo querias lograr capturando las lanas, despues que agarraste la primera lana, te regresas para agarrar la otra, vienes y te encuentras a mi sin moverme, me intentas matar y no lo logras, lo intentaste con arco y tampoco, yo me oculté, vino otro jugador llamado zombiegun a intentar matarte, lo matas tu, y luego pasa de nuevo y llego yo, con espada de iron con sharpness 4 y fireaspect 2, los dos golpes los hice con críticos y me llamaste hacks, luego me acusas de hacks en el foro y me llama little rat, wow

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8 minutes ago, iHoney_69 said:

vienes a mi isla a hacer SpawnKill arriba, despues, te diste cuenta que yo estaba grabando o algo parecido, bueno eso no exactamente pero quisiste disimular que querias hacer kills

9 minutes ago, iHoney_69 said:

you come to my island to do SpawnKill up, then, you realized that I was recording or something similar, well that's not exactly, but you wanted to hide that you wanted to do kills

WOW, Yes WOW, you know how to summarize xdddd.
Tell me, and how am I going to know you're recording to pretend I do not spawnkill.
Did a bird come and tell me? Did you tell me? Did God tell me? Did a teletubie come to tell me?
You see, you're lying again for me to be banned.

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:o Now you doubt if that is true, mmm, invent another lie to see if with that you save, I go to sleep, I guess the staff that comes will read all this and you will see that what iHoney_69 writes are pure lies.
P.D. iHoney_69 stops using Google translate xDDD

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3 hours ago, LynesMC said:

:o Now you doubt if that is true, mmm, invent another lie to see if with that you save, I go to sleep, I guess the staff that comes will read all this and you will see that what iHoney_69 writes are pure lies.
P.D. iHoney_69 stops using Google translate xDDD

In my opinion this wasn't spawnkill, is true that @LynesMC made some unnecesary kills, but he was going to the other wool, as I said, he made some kills, but he didn´t stay at spawn, they were coming to try to kill him :v.  

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