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[Inventory Rollback Request]*MeatyJosh*


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Your Name: MeatyJosh
Coordinates: -13.58, -33.56, 56.62  H:55   SpaceStation 16877 *I think currently at spawn.
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 10:10 PM roughly
Description of Issue: Had wanted to craft a wireless map and was fine at getting everything for the map, in my ME crafting terminal then right when I clicked the map from the crafter to bring to my inventory. I instantly crashed to desktop and technic launcher. proceeded to log in again and continues to instantly crash me after it says logging in. Inventory reset is probably is whats going to happen, but maybe I can speak with a staff about getting my other items back unless its able to be removed fine. Thanks ~Meaty. Hope to be on tomorrow.  


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