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List of Suggestions - Assasins Server


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Hey, I didnt remember I had an account from when I played 4 years ago, lot of time has passed! I have some list of suggestions I would like you to consider:

- Notifiy a player who killed him. This is something I think most of the people would like to know, I mean, If we kill someone we get a notification of who we killed but we also want to know who killed us. This also could help when reporting hackers.

- Improve your anti cheats plugin or lag. I dont know if this is an anticheat plugin or lag, but many times when I jump with help of the items or do something that in a normal server could be suspicious I am dragged back to my last position.

- Improve the jumper gadget. I dont remember the name of it, but this gadget when used to jump big directions, we get to where we aim but then we finish somewhere else cause of the fall, and sometimes we dont have a big fall and bounce far from where we fell.

- Help a little bit the newbies. Get things on this server is not that hard, but being a Newbie is an almost imposible challenge. You cant do many things cause you get out and you are instantly dead. I know that many things cant be done, as well, others have the right to kill, but please... it doesnt have any sence that people can follow newbies with fly, then disable it and kill them. That is fly killing, how can a Newbie survive if someone with fly goes there with his diamond equipment, and the poor newbie with just a wooden sword cant even defend himself?

- Remove inactive shops. There are tons of inactive shops, shops without stock that arent remove. They just sell one arrow for 128 gold ingots in order to never disappear.

- Try to add more active staff, helpers, mods, people who are there willing to stop hackers, abusers and help new players which come and leave everytime! Also, consider adding more spanish staff as the majority of the Assasins server speak spanish, I know there are some but well!

- Add some /helpop or related command in order to request staff help.

- Add a /staff command in order to know the entire staff and also to see who is online!


Thanks, there are many ideas here. Maybe you like some of them, all of them, or none, this is just with good intention. Sorry if I have grammar errors and well, best wishes for this server which I started playing 4 years ago!

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3 hours ago, xtomyserrax said:

- Notifiy a player who killed him. This is something I think most of the people would like to know, I mean, If we kill someone we get a notification of who we killed but we also want to know who killed us. This also could help when reporting hackers.

Answer: I guess this is not implemented to prevent the focus between users. Also, if someone attacks you, I guess you instantly will try to defend yourself, so you can see his nametag.

- Improve your anti cheats plugin or lag. I dont know if this is an anticheat plugin or lag, but many times when I jump with help of the items or do something that in a normal server could be suspicious I am dragged back to my last position.

Answer: May be your connection, also the anticheat tends to drag you back when he thinks that you're running while flying. 

- Improve the jumper gadget. I dont remember the name of it, but this gadget when used to jump big directions, we get to where we aim but then we finish somewhere else cause of the fall, and sometimes we dont have a big fall and bounce far from where we fell.

Answer: I must to say you will have to use it more often, when you know how to use it correctly going to the place you're aiming is easier.

- Help a little bit the newbies. Get things on this server is not that hard, but being a Newbie is an almost imposible challenge. You cant do many things cause you get out and you are instantly dead. I know that many things cant be done, as well, others have the right to kill, but please... it doesnt have any sence that people can follow newbies with fly, then disable it and kill them. That is fly killing, how can a Newbie survive if someone with fly goes there with his diamond equipment, and the poor newbie with just a wooden sword cant even defend himself?

Answer: Even if a Staff is not online, you can ask for help to some other users, some of them will help you without asking for something. When someone does that about flying and killing, you can report him on forums and the user will be punished, is an illegal thing. 

- Remove inactive shops. There are tons of inactive shops, shops without stock that arent remove. They just sell one arrow for 128 gold ingots in order to never disappear.

Answer: No all the staff has the permissions to remove inactive shops, just me and another (Who's been inactive due to IRL things). I go to ACv1 so often to see if everything is going well there, but I can't check all the shops due to I have to answer 3+ users at the same time, checking new parkours if is everything okay there, adding new loots for those parkours that got recently created. Also inactive shops got automatically removed after 7 days if the owner is inactive. I'll try to focus on shops too.

- Try to add more active staff, helpers, mods, people who are there willing to stop hackers, abusers and help new players which come and leave everytime! Also, consider adding more spanish staff as the majority of the Assasins server speak spanish, I know there are some but well!

Answer: This is the generation with more spanish speakers staff members. And they are so active, idk where you from, but it's possible that you time zone is different that the spanish staffs and you've never saw them.

- Add some /helpop or related command in order to request staff help.

Answer: We already have a command for this, "/ds create (message)" this is the command to request help.

- Add a /staff command in order to know the entire staff and also to see who is online!

Answer: Staff must to be shown always!, only if they're not looking for a hacker, or trying to work without disturbing users while they're working. You can see who is online using /list.

I hope this can clear your doubts.

Have a good one.


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I think, the "improve the anticheat" is right, but, if we keep it like this, we will all be suggesting the same. Everything has errors, and everyone always complain about them. Just get in comfort, get your popcorn, and start getting used to it!

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Well Kay, thank you a lot for your answer. Yeah, sometimes you can see who killed you, but other times, if you are a noob, you cant, and also you cant if someone killed you with invi pots.

I was told by players that it is legal to find players with fly, go to them with fly, then deactivate and kill them, is that correct?

And something else: is the money you get from voting buged? Because I have like 4k and I tried to withdraw it from the Assasins server but couldnt!

Thank you a lot for your answers, this was just a list of ideas I consider and it was with the best intention, not like a complaint. Wish this server keeps getting better and better!

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4 hours ago, xtomyserrax said:

Well Kay, thank you a lot for your answer. Yeah, sometimes you can see who killed you, but other times, if you are a noob, you cant, and also you cant if someone killed you with invi pots.

Answer: You're welcome. I'm not getting the point of seeing who killed you, as I said, this may got removed to prevent the focus.

I was told by players that it is legal to find players with fly, go to them with fly, then deactivate and kill them, is that correct?

Answer: Yes, that's correct, no one with permissions to fly can look for users whilr flying and then deactivate to attack, or they can't attack you while flying, this is considered as "Fly PvP" (page 2 on /rules if I'm not wrong). So yeah, it's punishable.

And something else: is the money you get from voting buged? Because I have like 4k and I tried to withdraw it from the Assasins server but couldnt!

Answer: It's kinda bugged, sometimes it works, sometimes it don't, also some members found a way to withdraw the money, I think it's something about changing on the servers or something.

Edit: You can withdraw money into ACv1 with the no-premium ip, with the premium ip's doesn't work.

Thank you a lot for your answers, this was just a list of ideas I consider and it was with the best intention, not like a complaint. Wish this server keeps getting better and better!

Answer: It's a pleasure to answer all the doubts of the users, I didn't take your suggestion as complaints. And yeah, we are working hard to make this server a great place, adding some new features on each server, obviously this takes a lot of time, so it won't happend instantly. For ACv1 we added recently: New Parkours, Quests, New Locations, A use for the assasin pages, 2 New and Exclusive Weapons, 1 Exclusive Armor, and we are working in something else (that's secret for now).

Have a good one.


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4 hours ago, Zawita said:

I think, the "improve the anticheat" is right, but, if we keep it like this, we will all be suggesting the same. Everything has errors, and everyone always complain about them. Just get in comfort, get your popcorn, and start getting used to it!

I'd be willing to learn the entire Java language if only to help the server improve. I think I'm going to try to

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I am a dev so I can help if that is needed, but I think there is an awesome team out there!

Thanks a lot Kay for your answers, also I would like to give you two more bug reports:

- The string bug: there is a bug in which you get stuck in string and cant fall down, you are just lagged there. Most of the times happens on parkours and you have to /spawn. I think this bug causes because the anticheat thinks I am fly abusing so it puts me back on my direction, but not sure.

- Today I was playing and I dont know how I assasin vanished, and while vanished I didnt know how to leave and pressed Q with the Tripwire Hook and it dropped. I think this wasnt the intention, and well, there should be added some code in order to prevent the Tripwire Hook to be dropped while Assasin vanished jeje.

Thanks a lot!

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3 hours ago, xtomyserrax said:

I am a dev so I can help if that is needed, but I think there is an awesome team out there!

Thanks a lot Kay for your answers, also I would like to give you two more bug reports:

- The string bug: there is a bug in which you get stuck in string and cant fall down, you are just lagged there. Most of the times happens on parkours and you have to /spawn. I think this bug causes because the anticheat thinks I am fly abusing so it puts me back on my direction, but not sure.

Answer: This is common when you try to go up while stuck on the cobwebs, you can easily use your Lead (the item that spawns a horse) to get out there, or if you can, try to break the cobweb with the sword. Ik it's kinda annoying to get stuck.

- Today I was playing and I dont know how I assasin vanished, and while vanished I didnt know how to leave and pressed Q with the Tripwire Hook and it dropped. I think this wasnt the intention, and well, there should be added some code in order to prevent the Tripwire Hook to be dropped while Assasin vanished jeje.

Answer: Well, I guess you're talking about when you jump and use the shift while hitting the leafs, to get out of there you just need to use shift again (if I remember well), if you lost your Tripwire Hook I will refund you.

Thanks a lot!


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I did drop my Tripwire but I found it in the floor!

About the cobweb, I cant break it with the sword because my screen changes every milisecond and I cant aim the it. And I cant spawn the horse cause I the plugin thinks I am flying.

And another bug I found today: When your hunger bar is in 0, meaning you are really hungry, everytime you walk you are dragged back. When you eat, you can walk normally again.

Just small errors for future versions jeje :)

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