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Refund Request


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So I don't know if this will help at all, but it's worth a shot. I checked the rules and it said something about stealing from unclaimed land is considered griefing. (We are still unable to claim land due to a AFK town being too close)


In-Game Name: EpicMuffin76
Server (AC, PureSurvival, etc.): Tekkit server

Item name + Item ID (Item ID optional, but very helpful!):  5 stacks of iron, 4 stacks of copper, 8 stacks of charcoal (we can easily make that again), stack or 2 or gold, 4 stacks of tin, a stack of aluminum, 3 stacks of lead, 2 stacks of redstone, half stacks of ruby and sapphire, 2 stack of silver, and I believe 4 stacks of yellowrium.
Time & Date (Time and Date when you lost the item/s): Got off around 12:30am, 4-25-18 , woke up and checked at 9:30 am, items were gone (4-25-18)
Description of Issue (how you lost the items): I believe someone broke into our base and stole most of our ingots from our research chest, assuming they grabbed as much as they can carry
Evidence (an old screenshot/video that shows you had the items;Optional): We do not have a screenshot of our chest.


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