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[Refund Request] FearThisGoD


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In-Game Name: FearThisGoD
Server (AC, PureSurvival, etc.): ACv1

Item name + Item ID (Item ID optional, but very helpful!): 61 diamond blocks, 2 stacks of notchs, 1 stack of tier 3 horses, 57 assassin souls, 24 HBs, 1 Old tomahawk (sharp 6), 2 gold swords (sharp 7)
Time & Date (Time and Date when you lost the item/s): 05/20/18 21:00.
Description of Issue (how you lost the items): I transferred my rank, my enderchest storage got smaller and the items were deleted.
Evidence (an old screenshot/video that shows you had the items;Optional): 


Hi, evidence is necessary in this case, please try to find something from your screenshots or some proof that you actually are wealthy on the server

I have a lot of questions though, such as sharpness 6 and 7 enchants, can you tell us how did you get them?

7 minutes ago, Yusixs said:

Hi, evidence is necessary in this case, please try to find something from your screenshots or some proof that you actually are wealthy on the server

I have a lot of questions though, such as sharpness 6 and 7 enchants, can you tell us how did you get them?

From parkours lol.

And I found 1 ss https://prnt.sc/jfrarw


All items refounded except the Assassin Souls since they are not obtainable. If you have any problem, send me a PM.



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