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[Command Request] Monk Level 19

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Sorry, we can't add this as it allows anyone to jump ahead 19 levels.


Besides, I'm not even sure it has a permission node and might only be an OP thing, most mods don't add permissions as their main focus is on singleplayer

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26 minutes ago, Henk said:

Sorry, we can't add this as it allows anyone to jump ahead 19 levels.


Besides, I'm not even sure it has a permission node and might only be an OP thing, most mods don't add permissions as their main focus is on singleplayer

I don't want it added; I've achieved level 18, but level 19 is impossible to trigger, so I was thinking if a mod could set my level, or anyone's level to 19 if they've killed a wither


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2 hours ago, Rilegis said:

Well, maybe people could open a topic in this section with a screenshot of their monk mod achievement list with some kind of proofs in order to get a level up, just an idea.

The command for setting a player's monk level requires the player to use the command, and for them to be opped.

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The mod itself only has one command written into its code, and that doesn't allow for a player (ie staff) to issue that command on behalf of another player. Our only move currently is to wait for the developer to add in the code for such an action. Additionally, level 10 appears to be nearly impossible now. So, we're at a bit of a standstill with the monk mod for the moment.

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There could be a way if you ran 3 commands, each one 1 tick after the other, that would op the player, use /sudo to set their monk level, then deop the player, but that may be risky, and it may have to be 1 redstone tick rather than an in game tick. That's all I can come up with.



Also, Monk level 10 is super simple and possible, all you need to do is get in a boat and look at the moon.

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