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Can't connect to server


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I made a Sigil of the Green Grove but when I tried to activate it, I got disconnected. I wasn't so surprised as I get dc'ed all the time, but now I cant reconnect (even after a server restart). When I try to connect it gets to the Logging in phase, briefly flashes to the game before crashing to the dirt background for maybe 30 secs before displaying the "Connection Lost   Disconnected" message. My internet is working fine and i've check all my virus protections, so I'm wondering maybe the sigil has corrupted my character or something? If so is there anyway to delete it? I can just use boring old bone meal instead :P


Update: Tried again recently, when I try to connect it just says Internal Server Error T_T

Server error.PNG

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Well I gave it another few shots and it's gone back to saying disconnected so I guess that's good? I'll try connecting to some other servers to make triple sure it's not a problem on my side. Perfect timing though as I have a few assignments I really should be working on rather than procrastinating like this lol

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@ShinyPorygon Thanks for the help, but still isnt working T_T

I've tried everything I can think of by now and nothing is working, just returns the disconned or internal server error which isn't helpful at all lol. I can connect to other servers no worries so idk whats causing it, especially if I am at spawn where there shouldn't be anything bugging out. Were you able to remove the sigil from my inventory? I got disconnected when I first used it, so I assumed that was the problem, not my location.

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