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[Refund Request] Akademee


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Your Name: Akademee
Item Name + Amount: Ender Quarry Block
Coordinates: -2706, 3808, 253
Description of Issue: Hi everyone, I had been off for a few days and I came back to see that my Ender Quarry is missing.  The Quarry was inside my claim and wasn't able to be griefed, so I assume that maybe the server got mad at my quarry and deleted it?  It had been running smoothly for days with no issues.  I did not have the world hole thing on or anything like that and I was quarrying outside my claim in the overworld.  I couldn't find any rules saying you couldn't do that, but if it is a problem, I will move it in the future.  It took a lot of work for me to get that machine and I would really like it back.  Thanks everyone!
Screenshots (Optional): Missing Ender quarry block inside my claim at the GreenFort


Missing Ender Quarry.png


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