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Can't seem to log in, this is affecting multiple users.  Connection Peer and Fatal errors.  Seems like the physical server needs to be rebooted. Corrupted memory allocation type of issue IMHO. Either that or there is a corrupt chunk on the map somewhere.


Same problem here, but in this case was today when I can't login and only was in the spawn (yesterday I was playing without problems, even in the spawn), but now the server disconnect me when I try to login with the fatal error message... My help thread here:



when i used to mod for another server, these issues feel like a corrupted chunk that someone has chunk loaded with poorly designed machinery ... or spiderweb ME Smart Cables.  Or your new hardware is causing a particular mod pack to flake.


Okay, Update I have Reconion debugging with me a bit as much as we can as regular players ...

If two people are at least in our town close together (HoraAux's town) the system goes nuts doing random errors.  The other day it was the above .. . today it's restarting every time ... not sure if the server truly is but it says it is.


It's still constant ... play 2 minutes warp into a chunk that someone is in and poof instant kick.  peer connection issue or disconnected ... it's almost unplayable when there are several people on.


Okay here is a MAJOR breakthrough ... It only happens using /home XYZ my friend came back to the base after i spent time world farming for some bees all good i go back ... he TP's back i just came back ... pooof  also happens with /spawn as well.

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