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[Inventory Rollback Request] Hempic420


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Your Name: Hempic420/Nick:Scar
Coordinates: +635, -315, 62 (Moon
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 12/26/18 at 4:30pm
Description of Issue: Resonant strongbox within a claimed area on the moon was openable and when opened, appeared to have some of my own items in it. Upon trying to reclaim them, the server would kick me on the premise of an internal error and I would relog with the item I grabbed laying in front of me, irretrievable due to how Towns work. 
Screenshot proving I had the armor: TekkitArmorProof.thumb.png.d8c3dda481846d20ec97c93e939ee8a6.png

Screenshot proving I couldn't retrieve the armor:TekkitLostLeggings.thumb.png.37825d5deafecf3cb9361ac5cfa94d00.png

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