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Inventory Rollback: Kozak_


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Your Name: Kozak_
Coordinates: X:2926, Y:-74, Z:1337 
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): February 2, 2019 @ 6:20 PM or so.
Description of Issue: I had made a hole in the ground to keep myself safe while I looked something up since I'm just starting out. When i came back the server was offline. I rejoined and started suffocating in blocks. Naturally I tried to break them but as soon as I broke the dirt it filled up again and I was teleported to the void where I died. I think it was a chunk that failed to load that got me killed :/
Screenshots (Optional): Unfortunately I have none :(

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Hello @Kozak_

There was not a rollback point within you joining the server and you dying so i had to use a rollback point later than requested closest rollback i had was at 12am Feb 3rd. 

If anything is missing you will need to do a refund request


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